Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Does this shy guy like me or is he just friendly? Seeking wise advice on what to do!!!?

Ok, I'm a 23 year old female in college and I sit by this guy that I really like but I don't know if he likes me. We don't have assigned seats but he always comes back to sit next to me, yestereday somebody even sat in his seat then when he came in they got up because it was obvious he wanted to sit there. The first day we met he formally introduced himself to me with a handshake and told me his name and everything. In the recitation portion of the class he sits in front of me and he always turns around to help me with my work and I never ask him to. What's the problem? He's shy. Yesterday I was going to try to break the ice and tell him a little story and I said, ';guess what!'; and he asked ,';what'; then the professor started talking and he never returned to me to listen to my story!!!! It's like he forgot or something! Is he really that uninterested? He isn't shy around the teacher, he actually seems like he kind of sucks up to her in a way which p*sses me off lol. I don't act like I like him either though, I act kind of cold EXCEPT in my eyes I do flirt with him. I can feel myself doing it you know what I mean, I can't help it. I know he can tell I'm nervous when he talks to me! I just don't want to be rejected. He kind of seems ok with the single life. I'm almost certain he is single. I don't understand him, some days he is not shy acting really and other days he almost ignores what I say. What does this mean? I so want to ask him to do something or have him ask me but he told me he works EVERYDAY when he was talking about his job. What should I do or think? Should I approach him? What should I say? I can't ask him to do anything he'll just say he has to work won't he? HELP!!!!!!!!! PLEASEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does this shy guy like me or is he just friendly? Seeking wise advice on what to do!!!?
Love this question.

A shy guy isn't 'always' shy. On a good day, you can almost be normal; chatty, friendly, open...really 'connect' with people. Usually right after something really good has happened for you- a sort of temporary euphoria comes over you and your shell opens up. That's the best way I can explain being shy from a guy's perspective.

Don't be so sure he's picking up on the signals you're sending. When you're in your shell, you have a tendency to re-interpret signals that most of us would easily run with. After all- 'she wouldn't be really winking at me, that's just the way she is; she's friendly. Probably does it with everyone'

And the problem is worse when it's someone you like. The more I liked a girl, the worse I stressed. One girl in particular, I know, must have thought I was mildly retarded. I laugh at it now, but you have no idea what sort of mental 'storm' goes on up there when you're face-to-face with ';her';

And you'd be amazed at how many signals we guys just plain ';miss';

Most of us are not exactly masters of subtle behavior.

Just ask him. Don't hint. Let him know you're interested. You may have to do it a couple of times to drill it into his head that you really ARE interested. If he's able, he'll MAKE time for something to happen.

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